

Roxi :

  • is a 10 year old Rottweiler Crossbreed
  • likes to spend most of her day sleeping
  • loves food, toys and short slow walks or time just sniffing round the paddocks.

Potential adopters will need to make multiple visits to the kennels in Lincoln, spending time with Roxi, building up a relationship.

Once a relationship has been established, Roxi is very affectionate. Roxi now loves cuddles and belly rubs with the kennels staff, as she trusts them. This has taken time and patience!

Roxi requires an only dog / only pet home.

To date, Roxi has not been keen on the vets and has required sedation for treatment.

Call Lorna for more information

07984 143 253

If you feel that you can offer a home

please fill in our Application Form

Posted in Already Rehomed.