Your donations are the beating heart of our charity
Please help if you can

You can click on the button and donate via the JustGiving website. Donations made here benefit from the addition of Gift Aid so we get a bit more at no cost to you. Win, win!

Gift Aid
Donating through Gift Aid means Doris Banham Dog Rescue can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.
See more details regarding Gift Aid on the GOV.UK website.
Download the Gift Aid Form, open the file in your PDF reader, complete the required fields and return the completed document to trudie.james@yahoo.co.uk
Paypal, Credit & Debit Cards
You can click on the button and pay by paypal or send money through paypal to trudie.james@yahoo.co.uk
Cheques & Postal Orders
Please make cheques payable to The Doris Banham Sanctuary and send to our correspondence address :-
Doris Banham Dog Rescue
Wells Lane Cottage
Wells Lane
Nr Retford
DN22 0EZ
Cash/cheques in charity's account
You can pay money straight into the charity's bank account:-
Please pay to:
The Doris Banham Sanctuary
Barclays Bank (Enfield)
Sort Code: 20-29-77
Account Number: 13884821
Standing Order
Online Banking:-
It's REALLY easy to set up a monthly standing order for the dogs on your Online Banking - all you need is the bank details above. It literally takes a few moments
At your Bank:-
You can set up a standing order to pay a monthly sum. If every person that clicked on our site set up a standing order for just £2 a month we could save so many more dogs. PLEASE DO NOT SEND THE STANDING ORDER TO US, you will need to take it or post it to your account holding branch.